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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Grab A Sneak Peek At The Finnish Lesson Schedule for 2013

Rise and shine, listener! You’re in a new year and you've made your Finnish resolution! Just one last thing left to do: start speaking some Finnish with FinnishPod101. Whether you’re just starting out light with the basics, or going’re about to add some serious Finnish muscle this year. You’ll go from simple phrases to dominating conversations in Finnish. Why? We’re guiding you every step of the way, that’s why! And we've made it our New Year’s resolution to go heavy too. We’re pushing out all new series – all new lessons to get you learning the Finnish language and culture inside-out with native speakers. Stay tuned because the first lessons start publishing on January 7, 2013! Here’s a sneak peek of the... Show more

Introducing the New Dashboard!

Greetings from Team FinnishPod101! We’re stopping by the blog today to tell you about an exciting new feature we’re slowly rolling out on the website. A few select users have been chosen to test drive the new Dashboard feature. Log in to your account today to see if you’re one of them! The new Dashboard aims to help you track your Finnish learning quickly and easily. We’ve produced a lot of lessons in our lifetime and while we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of lessons to our users, we realized that it can been pretty overwhelming for some. Where do I start? What level is best for me? What series do I move on to now? These were common questions coming in from avid users like you, so we set out to solve these... Show more