Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky. |
Päivi: And I’m Päivi! |
Becky: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Finnish Vocabulary, Lesson 18! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to people and homes. These are five common things found in Finnish homes. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Becky: Päivi, what’s our first word? |
Päivi: sauna |
Becky: sauna |
Päivi: (slow) sauna (regular) sauna |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: sauna |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Most modern Finnish homes, even small apartments, have a sauna. Older apartment buildings may only have one sauna in the basement, and residents take turns using it. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Saunassa rentoudutaan ja unohdetaan kaikki huolet. |
Becky: In the sauna, you relax and forget all your worries. |
Päivi: (slow) Saunassa rentoudutaan ja unohdetaan kaikki huolet. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: astiankuivauskaappi |
Becky: dish draining closet |
Päivi: (slow) astiankuivauskaappi (regular) astiankuivauskaappi |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: astiankuivauskaappi |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: A dish draining closet is a closet that is located above the kitchen sink. It does not have ordinary shelves; instead, it has draining racks for shelves so that you can put dishes into the cabinet right after rinsing and the water will just drip back into the sink. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Kuivauskaappiin laitettavia astioita ei tarvitse kuivata. |
Becky: Dishes that are put in the dish draining closet do not need to be hand-dried. |
Päivi: (slow) Kuivauskaappiin laitettavia astioita ei tarvitse kuivata. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: räsymatto |
Becky: rag rug |
Päivi: (slow) räsymatto (regular) räsymatto |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: räsymatto |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Traditionally, Finnish rag rugs were made from old garments cut into thin, long strips. These days, they are more often made from leftovers from the textile industry. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Kaupasta saa nykyään design-räsymattoja. |
Becky: These days, you can buy designer rag rugs. |
Päivi: (slow) Kaupasta saa nykyään design-räsymattoja. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: kolminkertaiset ikkunat |
Becky: triple-pane windows |
Päivi: (slow) kolminkertaiset ikkunat (regular) kolminkertaiset ikkunat |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: kolminkertaiset ikkunat |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Winters are cold in Finland, so most windows have triple panes to reduce heat loss. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Kolminkertaiset ikkunat pitävät lämmön sisällä. |
Becky: Triple-pane windows keep warmth inside. |
Päivi: (slow) Kolminkertaiset ikkunat pitävät lämmön sisällä. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the last word? |
Päivi: kaukolämmitys |
Becky: district heating |
Päivi: (slow) kaukolämmitys (regular) kaukolämmitys |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: kaukolämmitys |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: In urban areas, buildings are usually heated with district heating, in which water is heated in centralized power plants and distributed through pipes to buildings in the surrounding areas. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Kaukolämmitys on ympäristöystävällinen lämmitysmuoto. |
Becky: District heating is an environment-friendly means of heating. |
Päivi: (slow) Kaukolämmitys on ympäristöystävällinen lämmitysmuoto. |
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Päivi will give you the Finnish – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Päivi: sauna |
[pause]Becky: sauna |
Päivi: astiankuivauskaappi |
[pause]Becky: dish draining closet |
Päivi: räsymatto |
[pause]Becky: rag rug |
Päivi: kolminkertaiset ikkunat |
[pause]Becky: triple-pane windows |
Päivi: kaukolämmitys |
[pause]Becky: district heating |
Becky: There you have it – five common things in homes in Finland! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time! |
Päivi: Hei hei! |