Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky. |
Päivi: And I’m Päivi! |
Becky: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Finnish Vocabulary, Lesson 20! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to health and emergencies. These are five natural disasters that are common in Finland. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Becky: Päivi, what’s our first word? |
Päivi: tulva |
Becky: flood |
Päivi: (slow) tulva (regular) tulva |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: tulva |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Floods are a problem, especially in Ostrobothnia, Finland's flat west coast. Rivers flood more or less every spring when the snow starts to melt. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Sade pahentaa tulvaa. |
Becky: Rain makes a flood worse. |
Päivi: (slow) Sade pahentaa tulvaa. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: lumipyry |
Becky: snowsquall |
Päivi: (slow) lumipyry (regular) lumipyry |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: lumipyry |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: The biggest problem with snowsqualls is that they may cause traffic accidents. Not only do roads get slippery with new snow, but also impaired visibility increases the risk of rear-end collisions. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Lumipyryssä pitäisi hiljentää vauhtia. |
Becky: In a snowsquall, you should reduce your speed. |
Päivi: (slow) Lumipyryssä pitäisi hiljentää vauhtia. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: myrsky |
Becky: storm |
Päivi: (slow) myrsky (regular) myrsky |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: myrsky |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Finland is not one of the highest-risk countries for storms, but it still gets its share. Storms typically cause blackouts when trees fall on electricity lines. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Myrskyt kaatavat usein puita. |
Becky: Storms often knock down trees. |
Päivi: (slow) Myrskyt kaatavat usein puita. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word? |
Päivi: metsäpalo |
Becky: forest fire |
Päivi: (slow) metsäpalo (regular) metsäpalo |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: metsäpalo |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: Forest fires are not very common in Finland, but there is a risk of forest fires for at least some time almost every summer. Most of the time, however, there is enough rainfall to keep the forests somewhat moist. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal) Metsäpalot uudistavat kasvillisuutta. |
Becky: Forest fires renew vegetation. |
Päivi: (slow) Metsäpalot uudistavat kasvillisuutta. |
Becky: Okay, what’s the last word? |
Päivi: pakkanen |
Becky: frost |
Päivi: (slow) pakkanen (regular) pakkanen |
Becky: Listeners, please repeat: |
Päivi: pakkanen |
[pause - 5 sec.] |
Becky: For most people, frost is not a big deal, but it does cause some problems. For example, very cold, dry air may trigger an asthma attack in people with asthma. Car engines may not start without preheating, and water pipes may freeze and break. |
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word. |
Päivi: (normal)Pakkasen vuoksi autoa voi olla vaikea käynnistää. |
Becky: It may be difficult to start the car if the temperature is very low because of frost. |
Päivi: (slow) Pakkasen vuoksi autoa voi olla vaikea käynnistää. |
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Päivi will give you the Finnish – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Päivi: tulva |
[pause]Becky: flood |
Päivi: lumipyry |
[pause]Becky: snowsquall |
Päivi: myrsky |
[pause]Becky: storm |
Päivi: metsäpalo |
[pause]Becky: forest fire |
Päivi: pakkanen |
[pause]Becky: frost |
Becky: There you have it – five natural disasters that are common in Finland! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time! |
Päivi: Hei hei! |