
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky.
Päivi: And I’m Päivi!
Becky: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Finnish Vocabulary, Lesson 3! In this lesson, we’re continuing to talk about foods and drinks in Finland, and you'll learn five essential words related to common Finnish beverages. These are hand-picked for you, and you can find a complete list of vocabulary words at FinnishPod101.com. Let’s get started!
Becky: Päivi, what’s our first word?
Päivi: Maito.
Becky: Milk
Päivi: (slow) Maito. (regular) Maito.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat after Päivi.
Päivi: Maito.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Milk is the most common drink at meals for Finnish children and for many adults as well. Because milk is such an important beverage, dairy companies try to cater to all kinds of people through a broad range of milk-related products.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Suomessa juodaan ehkä enemmän maitoa kuin missään muualla.
Becky: Finns may drink more milk than any other nation.
Päivi: (slow) Suomessa juodaan ehkä enemmän maitoa kuin missään muualla.
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word?
Päivi: Olut.
Becky: Beer
Päivi: (slow) Olut. (regular) Olut.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat:
Päivi: Olut.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Beer is a popular beverage with Finns after they go to the sauna, when they spend a night out with friends, or when they relax at home in the evening.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Karhu on suomen suosituin olutmerkki.
Becky: Karhu is the most popular brand of beer in Finland.
Päivi: (slow) Karhu on suomen suosituin olutmerkki.
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word?
Päivi: Kotikalja.
Becky: Low-alcohol beer
Päivi: (slow) Kotikalja. (regular) Kotikalja.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat after Päivi.
Päivi: Kotikalja.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Kotikalja is a type of beer with a lower amount of alcohol that’s usually consumed during a meal. It’s easy to make at home, and you can find ingredients for it in the grocery store.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Monessa lounasravintolassa on juomavaihtoehtoina maito, kotikalja ja vesi.
Becky: Many lunch restaurants have milk, kotikalja, and water as beverage options.
Päivi: (slow) Monessa lounasravintolassa on juomavaihtoehtoina maito, kotikalja ja vesi.
Becky: Okay, what’s our next word?
Päivi: Well, you heard it in the previous example. Vesi.
Becky: Water
Päivi: (slow) Vesi. (regular) Vesi.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat:
Päivi: Vesi.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Finnish tap water is very good, and it’s often preferred over bottled water—although bottled water has slowly gained popularity in the past few years. In a restaurant, if you want to drink water, you’ll typically receive a pitcher with tap water and ice cubes for the table.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Suomalaisessa vesijohtovedessä voi olla vähemmän bakteereja kuin pullotetussa vedessä.
Becky: Finnish tap water may have fewer bacteria than bottled water.
Päivi: (slow) Suomalaisessa vesijohtovedessä voi olla vähemmän bakteereja kuin pullotetussa vedessä.
Becky: Okay, what’s the last word?
Päivi: Virvoitusjuoma.
Becky: Soft drink
Päivi: (slow) Virvoitusjuoma. (regular) Virvoitusjuoma.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat our last word.
Päivi: Virvoitusjuoma.
[pause - 5 sec.]
This word refers to any kind of soft drink, usually carbonated soft drinks, and it’s used primarily in written Finnish. In spoken Finnish, you’ll usually hear limu and limppari, derived from limonadi, meaning lemonade. However, that doesn’t mean that the drink is lemon-flavored.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Hartwall Jaffa on suosittu virvoitusjuomamerkki.
Becky: Hartwall Jaffa is a popular brand of carbonated soft drinks.
Päivi: (slow) Hartwall Jaffa on suosittu virvoitusjuomamerkki.
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Päivi will give you the Finnish word. Please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Päivi: Maito.
[pause]Becky: Milk
Päivi: Olut.
[pause]Becky: Beer
Päivi: Kotikalja.
[pause]Becky: Low-alcohol beer
Päivi: Vesi.
[pause]Becky: Water
Päivi: Virvoitusjuoma.
[pause]Becky: Soft drink


Becky: There you have it – five delicious beverages found in Finland! We have more vocabulary lists available at FinnishPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Päivi: Hei hei!

