Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Talking About Being Busy
John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to FinnishPod101.com. I'm John.
Aino: And I'm Aino!
John: This is Must-Know Finnish Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 21. In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about being busy.
John: If you work like crazy, but sometimes still fail, you'll need these words in your vocabulary.
John: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are:
Aino: duuni
Aino: sikana
Aino: simona
Aino: feilata
John: Aino, what's our first expression?
Aino: duuni
John: It doesn’t have a literal meaning. But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "work."
Aino: [SLOW] duuni [NORMAL] duuni
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Aino: duuni
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to talk about your work in a more youthful, casual, or urban way.
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Aino: [NORMAL] Mä etin uutta duunia. [SLOW] Mä etin uutta duunia.
John: "I’m looking for a new job."
Aino: [NORMAL] Mä etin uutta duunia.
John: Okay, what's the next expression?
Aino: sikana
John: Literally the expression means "as a pig." The word
Aino: sikana
John: is derived from the noun
Aino: sika,
John: which means "pig" in Finnish. This expression is almost always used with the adverb
Aino: ihan,
John: which means "quite," "right," or "totally." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "so much."
Aino: [SLOW] sikana [NORMAL] sikana
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Aino: sikana
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to emphasize an action, for example how much you have worked, trained, or laughed, etc.
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Aino: [NORMAL] Me naurettiin ihan sikana! [SLOW] Me naurettiin ihan sikana!
John: "We laughed so much!"
Aino: [NORMAL] Me naurettiin ihan sikana!
John: Okay, what's our next expression?
Aino: simona
John: literally meaning "as a Simo." Simo is a Finnish name for males. When it's used as a slang expression, it means "so much."
Aino: [SLOW] simona [NORMAL] simona
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Aino: simona
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to emphasize an action, or say that something is "very" something. The expression means "a lot," or "excessively."
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Aino: [NORMAL] Painettiin hommia ihan simona. [SLOW] Painettiin hommia ihan simona.
John: "We worked our butts off."
Aino: [NORMAL] Painettiin hommia ihan simona.
John: Okay, what's the last expression?
Aino: feilata
John: It doesn’t have a literal meaning. But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to fail."
Aino: [SLOW] feilata [NORMAL] feilata
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Aino: feilata
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this slang expression when you want to say someone failed something or made a mistake, or that something was unsuccessful. The origin of the word is the English verb "to fail."
John: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Aino: [NORMAL] Mä feilasin matikan kokeen ihan täysillä. [SLOW] Mä feilasin matikan kokeen ihan täysillä.
John: "I failed my math test completely."
Aino: [NORMAL] Mä feilasin matikan kokeen ihan täysillä.
John: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I will describe four situations, and you will choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
John: You’re telling your friends that the movie was very funny and you laughed a lot.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Aino: sikana
John: "so much"
John: You refer to work in a casual conversation.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Aino: duuni
John: "work"
John: You got the lowest score on the test.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Aino: feilata
John: "to fail"
John: Chocolate cake is your favorite. You like it as a Simo.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Aino: simona
John: "so much"


John: There you have it; you have mastered four Finnish Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at FinnishPod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Aino: Hei hei!

