Lesson Transcript

Access your free language gifts right now before they expire.
First, the top 25 questions you need to know cheat sheet.
This PDF gives you 25 questions all beginners need to know for conversations.
Download it now.
Second, practice writing greetings for absolute beginners.
If you're learning a language and still don't know the greetings, that's a problem and this PDF workbook helps you master all the greetings.
Just print the PDF and practice writing them out.
Third, spring words beginners should know.
Chances are you don't know enough words to talk about spring.
So this bonus lesson will teach you how to say spring, windy, rainy, and much more.
Fourth, top 15 phrases for spring break.
Want to talk about your spring break plans?
This one-minute lesson teaches you how to say stay home and relax, travel abroad, and much more.
And finally, looking for an app that actually gets you speaking?
The innovative language learning app skips the random vocab drills and teaches you through real conversations between real native speakers.
And all you have to do is press play and follow along.
Download it for free on Android, iPhone, and iPad.
To get your free gifts of the month, click the link in the description below and download them now before they expire.

